Friday 25 February 2011

February 25th Seoul

A nice flight, the pods were comeside me.fortable, and I had a celebrity beside me.  Elvis Costello.

Got into Seoul, a HUGE airport.  Same old stores.  You know, Starbucks, and shopping, shopping, shopping.  We are at the Asiana Lounge, waiting for our flight to Sydney.  Hopefully will sleep on it.

Ernie and Jean

1 comment:

  1. Hi there
    Just got back from mom and dads. I had lunch there. Yummy homemade bread. Now having a glass of wine and relaxing and trying to figure out how to send you a Mom and dad are having dinner at Pam and Geralds tonight.
    We woke up to -13c weather and blowing snow...blizzard and white out conditions here...-35c tomorrow with windchill factor.
    I am going to Vancouver next weekend to see the kids and celebrate my b-day there. Donnie started walking on the 9th of jan. and he turned 9 months on the 25 of Feb. Grandma Julie better have her running shoes with her.
    all for now xooxo to the both of you.
    cheers and Proust!
